Topics In Analytical PsychologySections
Feminine and Masculine Psychology
FOR WOMEN GROWING OLDER: THE ANIMUS by JANE HOLLISTER WHEELWRIGHT ANIMUS and ANIMA by Emma Jung 1 On the Nature of the Animus (Translated by Cary F. Baynes) 2 The Anima as an Elemental Being (Translated by Hildegard Nagel) Knowing Woman: A Feminine Psychology by IRENE CLAREMONT DE CASTILLEJO The Invisible Partners: How the Male and Female in Each of Us Affects Our Relationships. by John A. Sanford ANIMA – An Anatomy of a Personified Notion by James Hillman Lying with the Heavenly Woman: Understanding and Integrating the Feminine Archetypes in Men’s Lives by ROBERT A. JOHNSON Femininity Lost and Regained by ROBERT A. JOHNSON HE – Understanding Masculine Psychology by ROBERT A. JOHNSON Based on the legend of Parsifal and his search for the Grail, using Jungian psychological concepts Anima as Fate by CORNELIA BRUNNER (translated by JULIUS HEUSCHER, Preface by C.G. JUNG) |