Dreams and Dream InterpretationApplied Dream Analysis: A Jungian Approach (excerpted)
by Mary Ann Mattoon, Ph.D., University of Minnesota Dream Animals
by James Hillman Dreaming: A Very Short Introduction
by J. Allan Hobson An excellent introduction to the science of dreams. |
Amplification and Associating to Dream Images
A. Excerpt from M.L. Von Franz's book "Creation Myths": 1. The Threshold Phenomena 2. The Reality of the Unconscious 3. First Step: Amplification and Associating to Dream Motifs 4. Second Step: Formulation of an Interpretation B. Practice Materials 1. Greet the Bull: An image from Euripides' play "Hippolytos." 2. Dream: "The Saint and the Bull" from C.G. JUNG: THE VISIONS SEMINARS: From the Complete Notes of Mary Foote, Spring Publications, 1976. DICTIONARY OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY by ROBERT WINERCLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE
Sample of Dictionary Entries: Abaissement The French physician Pierre Janet first introduced the term abaissement (abaissement du niveau mental, literally meaning “a lowering of the mental level”) into psychology to refer to the idea that at times one can demonstrate that a subject’s field of consciousness can become smaller and restricted: