ARTICLES on / By C.G. Jung4 Articles from C.G. Jung on the Psychology of the East
from the Collected Works, Vol. 11. - YOGA AND THE WEST (published in Prabuddha Bharata (Calcutta), 1936) - FOREWORD TO SUZUKI'S "INTRODUCTION TO ZEN BUDDHISM" (a foreword to Suzuki, "Die grosse Befreiung: Einführung in dem Zen-Buddhismus (Leipzig),1939). - THE PSYCHOLOGY OF EASTERN MEDITATION (a lecture to the Schweizerische Gesellschaft der Freunde ostasiatlscher Kultur, In Zurich, Basel, and Bern, during March-May 1943). - THE HOLY MEN OF INDIA (Introduction to Heinrich Zimmer, Der Weg zum Selbst: Lehre und Leben des indischen Heiligen Shri Ramana Maharshi aus Tiruvannamalai (Zurich), 1944). Child Development and Education
Original written by Jung for his lecture given at the International Congress of Education in 1923. The Practical Use of Dream Analysis
A paper read at the sixth congress of the International General Medical Society for Psychotherapy, in Dresden, Germany 1931. Revised and published in 1934. Analytical Psychology and Weltanschauung
A lecture delivered in Karlsruhe, Germany in 1927 and in Zurich in 1930. The lecture was revised, enlarged, and published as "Analytische Psychologie und Weltanschauung" in 1931. |
Sample of Dictionary Entries: Abaissement The French physician Pierre Janet first introduced the term abaissement (abaissement du niveau mental, literally meaning “a lowering of the mental level”) into psychology to refer to the idea that at times one can demonstrate that a subject’s field of consciousness can become smaller and restricted: