ARTICLES on Psychiatry / PsychologyTOPICS
BIPOLAR Bipolar II: What is It and Why is it Important? (Spring, 2013) CHILD PSYCHOLOGY ADD, ADHD, BIPOLAR - The problems with diagnosis MOVEMENT DISORDERS Abnormal movement of the limbs and /or body in Psychological Illness. Comorbid Movement and Psychiatric Disorders (January 18, 2013) TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury Interview on "Overcoming Challenges associated with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), Intellectual Disability, and Developmental Disability VIOLENCE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS Sociopathy / Psychopathy Psychopathy: Interesting Audio Discussion at the University of Pennsylvania. Criminal Brains: What Causes Violent and Criminal Behavior? Here's my summary of the audio presentation (RIW): Brain imaging "shows" that murders have less well functioning or working pre-frontal cortex, (PFC) which controls the more aggressive limbic system. All brain imaging work is correlational. Neurologists who performed selective lesions of ventro-medial PFC were able to demonstrate blunted emotional response, disinhibited, etc. in the subjects. Current studies use the term "fear conditioning" to describe the so-called normal ability to predict in childhood that certain stimuli predictable result in punishments and that the thought of these punishments or the actual punishments are associated with feelings of anxiety and nervousness. This researcher defines conscience as "a set of classically-conditioned emotional responses, coming from the ability in childhood to associate stimuli that reliably predict punishments". What he means is that when, in childhood, you broke a rule it was predictably followed by punishments. Social Withdrawal and Violence — Newtown, Connecticut (January 31, 2013) Neurodevelopmental marker for limbic maldevelopment in antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy (2010) Psychopathy as a Clinical and Empirical Construct (2008) |